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 音节划分:com▪pa▪nycompany生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 ['kʌmpənɪ] 美 [ˈkʌmpəni]
n. 公司,商号;作伴,伴侣,客人;连队,中队;(社交)集会,聚会
网 络
公司; 公司简介; 公司名称; 家公司 复数:companies
词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典
1. N-COUNT-COLL; N-IN-NAMES 可数集合名词;名称名词公司 A company is a business organization that makes money by selling goods or services. 
Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company. 希拉在一家保险公司找到一份当秘书的工作。
...the Ford Motor Company. 福特汽车公司
2. N-COUNT-COLL; N-IN-NAMES 可数集合名词;名称名词剧团;歌舞团 A company is a group of opera singers, dancers, or actors who work together. 
...the Phoenix Dance Company. 凤凰舞蹈团
3. N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 名称名词;名称名词连 A company is a group of soldiers that is usually part of a battalion or regiment, and that is divided into two or more platoons. 
The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company... 这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。
C Company's sentries were just ahead. C连的哨兵就在前头。
4. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词陪伴;陪同 Company is having another person or other people with you, usually when this is pleasant or stops you feeling lonely. 
'I won't stay long.' — 'No, please. I need the company'... “我不会呆很久。”“别这样,求你了。我需要有人陪。”
Ross had always enjoyed the company of women... 罗斯总是喜欢有女人陪伴。
She would be grateful for their company on the drive back... 有他们做伴开车陪她回去,她会很感激的。
I'm not in the mood for company. 我这会儿就想一个人呆着。
5. See also: joint-stock company; public company;  
6. PHRASE 短语(用于某人的名字之后表示)及其同伴,一伙 You can say and company after mentioning a person's name, to refer also to the people who are associated with that person.  【搭配模式】:n-proper PHR
【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式Keegan and company approached the game with understandable caution. 基根一伙人小心谨慎地对待这场比赛,这是可以理解的。
7. PHRASE 短语(不必为错误自责,因为)大人物们也犯过同样的错 If you say that someone is in good company, you mean that they should not be ashamed of a mistake or opinion, because some important or respected people have made the same mistake or have the same opinion.  【搭配模式】:V inflectsMr Koo is in good company. The prime minister made a similar slip a couple of years back. 库先生的错大人物也犯过。几年前首相就有过类似的疏漏。
8. PHRASE 短语有客人(或朋友)在 If you have company, you have a visitor or friend with you.  【搭配模式】:V inflectsHe didn't say he had had company. 他没说当时有客人在。
9. PHRASE 短语(与别人)在一起 When you are in company, you are with a person or group of people.  【搭配模式】:v-link PHRWhen they were in company she always seemed to dominate the conversation... 他们在一起的时候,她好像总是操纵着话语权。
I feel awkward and shy in company. 跟别人在一起的时候,我觉得很别扭,不好意思。
10. PREP-PHRASE 短语介词和…有同样的想法(或感觉、认识) If you feel, believe, or know something in company with someone else, you both feel, believe, or know it.  【搭配模式】:PHR n
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s. 避免20世纪70年代两次石油价格冲击的情形再次出现,这是沙特阿拉伯和其他一些海湾石油国家一致关心的问题。
11. PHRASE 短语陪伴;给…做伴 If you keep someone company, you spend time with them and stop them feeling lonely or bored.  【搭配模式】:V inflectsWhy don't you stay here and keep Emma company? 你为什么不呆在这儿,陪陪埃玛?
12. PHRASE 短语与…交朋友;与…为伍 If you keep company with a person or with a particular kind of person, you spend a lot of time with them.  【搭配模式】:V inflectsHe keeps company with all sorts of lazy characters. 他与形形色色的懒人为伍。
13. PHR-RECIP 相互短语分手;分离 If two or more people part company, they go in different directions after going in the same direction together.  【搭配模式】:V inflects
【FIELD标签】:WRITTEN 笔语The three of them parted company at the bus stop. 他们三个在公共汽车站分了手。
14. PHR-RECIP 相互短语(通常因有分歧)与…断绝关系 If you part company with someone, you end your association with them, often because of a disagreement.  【搭配模式】:V inflects
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer... 这位网球明星与他的奥地利教练分道扬镳。
We have agreed to part company after differences of opinion. 我们道不同不相为谋。
15. PHRASE 短语与…有分歧 If you part company with someone on a particular subject, you disagree with them on it.  【搭配模式】:V inflects
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式Where I part company with him, however, is over the link he forges between science and liberalism. 然而,我与他产生分歧的地方是,他把科学与自由主义联系了起来。
16. PHRASE 短语在座诸位除外. If you are making a general, unfavourable comment about a particular type of person, and you are with people of that type, you can say 'present company excepted' as a way of making your comment sound more polite.  【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语行业释义 英英释义 网络释义
法律 | 金融
双语例句 词根词缀 词组习语 同反义词 同义词辨析 语源派生
1. He absconded with the company funds. 他卷走公司的资金潜逃了。
2. The company offers scuba-diving as an add-on to the basic holiday price. 这家公司提供带水肺潜水活动,不包括在基本度假费用以内。
3. The company was adjudged bankrupt. 该公司被宣判破产。
4. The company has now amalgamated with another local firm. 这家公司现在已与当地一家公司合并了。
5. The insurance company will refund any amount due to you. 保险公司将退还你应得的所有款项。
6. The company was very appreciative of my efforts. 公司对我的努力十分赞赏。
7. Over the past year, the company has joined the big league. 去年一年中,公司已跻身一流之列。
8. She earned a black mark for opposing company policy. 她因反对公司政策而得到考绩不良评语。
9. Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company. 你的所有开销均由本公司支付。
10. The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances. 本公司保留在一定条件下取消这项协议的权利。
11. the largest computer company in the world 全球最大的计算机公司
12. He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. 他问了几个有关公司前途的问题。
13. The company was found guilty of contravening safety regulations. 那家公司被判违反了安全条例。
14. You need to become fully conversant with the company's procedures. 你得对公司的程序了如指掌。
15. Back in the dark ages of computing, in about 1980, they started a software company. 早在计算机尚未普及的时代(约1980年),他们就创办了软件公司。
16. Day care is provided by the company she works for. 她工作的那家公司有日托。
17. Have you had any previous dealings with this company? 你曾与这家公司有过业务往来吗?
18. The company sued for defamation. 这个公司因受到诽谤而提起诉讼。
19. The company is in default on the loan. 这家公司拖欠借款。
20. The deal will not be disadvantageous to your company. 这项交易不会对你公司不利。
词语释义 company 在英文单词中一般的意思是:“公司” “组织” 。一般简写成Co.,与Limited一起使用, 例句:I am Justin Yu who is a sales service of Linyi Million Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.,(company Limited) company 作为名词: -nies 友谊; 交情;陪伴 He kept me company. 他陪伴我。 伴侣;同伴 复数: com.pa.nies A group of persons.See Synonyms at band 2 团体参见 band2 One's companio