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关于毯子 门垫 英文单词的区别


如果从美式英语的角度上面来讲,1.carpet: a thick soft cover for a floorwall-to-wall carpet (=cut to fit a room): There was a green wall-to-wall carpet in the hall.2.rug: a small carpet that covers part of a floorex.a rug in front of the fireplace3.blanket: a thick cover made of wool or another material that you use to keep warm in bed4.mat: a small piece of thick rough cloth that is put on a floor to protect it or for decoration;或者 A flat piece of coarse fabric or other material used for wiping one's shoes or feet, or in various other forms as a floor covering.从上面可以看出来,第一个carpet是指那种覆盖了整个房间的地毯。而第二个是这小的地毯,比如我们中国放在每个房间门口的那种小块地毯,或者美国人壁炉前的小块地毯。第三个一般是指你用来盖在身上的被子。而第四个是指比较粗糙的材料做成的地毯,铺盖地面或者擦鞋用。个人理解这种毯子主要强调其用途是防地板腐蚀或鞋子变脏,而并非装饰类用途吧。当然,每个毯子都还有其它含义,但是主要的意思就是这个了,如果你到美国,没有上下文说出这些单词,他们肯定都认为是这种意思了。另外我建议你以后遇到这种不能去分的情况,就去查看英英解释吧,那样你自然就知道了他们的区别。祝进步~

carpet,地毯 一般指大面积铺的那种rug,整块的地毯,像你说的门垫那种blanket,一般指我们平时盖的毯子mat,杯垫,盘子垫,隔热用的垫儿