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说明文类型  选项类说明文:  Higher education is funded in several ways:  all costs paid by the government;  all costs paid by students;  all costs paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation.  What are the advantages of these options? Which is your choice?  该文章是2011年8月25日的写作题目,该文章属于典型的选项类说明文。题目中有多个选项。  对应类说明文:  In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.  What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?  该文章是剑8 test 4 的写作题目,该文章属于典型的对应类说明文。分别询问了问题的原因和解决办法。  混合类文章:  Competitiveness is a positive quality for people to have among most societies. How does this competitiveness affect individuals? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?  该文章是2011年3月12日的写作题目,该文章属于典型的混合类说明文。题目的问法综合了说明文以及议论文的问法。  写作架构  如果该文章是选项类说明文的话,题目中有几个选项,中间段落就写几段。  即:  开头段  选项段一  选项段二  。。。。。。  结尾段  该种文体出现极少,但是一旦出现因为多数考生不能正确运用段落所以经常会出现慌乱的情况发生,因此应该稍微注意一下。  如果该文章是对应类说明文的话,两个问题分别独立成段,外加开头和结尾,通常来说全文采取四段的写法。  即:  开头段  Cause一段  Solution一段  结尾段  如果该文章是混合类说明文的话,同样是一个问号一段。  即:  开头段  how  positive or negative(通常选一项)  结尾段  该种题目的说明文问法和议论文问法有可能颠倒,但不论如何询问,都是一个问题一个段落。