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A. Do you thingk that marrige is very importent?
B. Sure, that is part of my life.
A. Please tell me some thing about that.
B. You know that I have a wonderful family with a great husband and two kids. I enjoy with them every day. I really want to keep that for ever.
A. How did you do that?
B. Just respect each other whatever husband vs wife or parents vs children.
A. How do you and your family spend your resting time?
B. We always took some vacation trip and went all over the coutries.
A. So which one was your favorite?
B. They all were very good. But I like the Kenya better.
A. I remember that you told me that your parents were farmer. Do you like living in farm?
B. No. I don't like. I think I am the girl who fit in the city life.