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顺便一提,目前我在学的ABC天卞口语的老师要我明白 就是想将英语学好应该是不费力地 必然要有一个恰当的学习情境跟熟练口语对象,外教水平很重要,标准口音(建议找欧美外教)才可以 坚决经常口语练习 1&1家教式辅导才能够有最.好.的学习成效。完成课堂后同样要重复温习录音文档,来进一步深化知识。不过实在无对象可练习 可以上旺旺或大耳朵拿到课外教材练习 多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 一下子口语就提升起来,学习成效应该可以快速显着的;这是我写的三人关于旅游的小对话. making a decision on a trip Peter, Dave, Tony Peter:, Dave, long time no see. How are you? Dave: fine. thanks. I just came back from Yangz river cruise.(长江三峡游) . Ts is my buddy Tony. We went together. Tony: nice to meet you, Peter. Peter: Nice to meet you, too. Tony. Did you have a good time? Tony: I tnk we did. But it was too hot there. Right, Dave? Dave:pretty much. The scenery is so beautiful along the river.How is everytng with you? Peter: I am fine,too. thank you. Oh, maybe you two can help me with ts. Dave: what can we do for you? Peter: I am planning a trip for my summer vacation. But I can't make up my mind as to wch I should go. It is really hard to decide. Tony: Hehehe...decision decision,ok, maybe three heads are better than one. what are the choices? Peter: Hangzhou, Suzhou, and yangzhou Dave: I went to Suzhou last year. I had very bad experiences there. The taxi drivers were rude. The hotel services were lousy and the food was... Tony: I had bad experiences there too. Peter: all right, forget Suzhou then. How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou? Dave: I have never been there. I can't make any comments on that. Let's check out the information from Xiehang(携成网) and it will tell us all necessary information. Tony: We can log on line and find all the information we need. Peter: great! So Peter and Dave and Tony check out the information on net. Dave: Peter, you can see that the airlines, hotels are not offering any discounts if you want to go to Hangzhou as it is the peak seson in summer. But if you go to Yangzhou, you can get big discounts on the hotels. Tony: Right. I tnk you should take that into consideration. Peter: you are right. I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people.I can always pick a better time to go to Hangzhou.right? Dave: absolutely. Peter: so I will book the ticket and the hotel right now. Thank you so much, Dave and Tony! Dave: that's what friends are for. hope you have a good time in Yangzhou. Tony: take care. Peter: 回答者:maryswallow - 首席运营官 十三级 1-0 0: 修改答复: maryswallow,您要修改的答复如下: 积分规则 关闭 这是我写的三人关于旅游的小对话.making a decision on a trip Peter, Dave, TonyPeter:, Dave, long time no see. How are you? Dave: fine. thanks. I just came back from Yangz river cruise.(长江三峡游) . Ts is my buddy Tony. We went together.Tony: nice to meet you, Peter.Peter: Nice to meet you, too. Tony. Did you have a good time? Tony: I tnk we did. But it was too hot there. Right, Dave?Dave:pretty much. The scenery is so beautiful along the river.How is everytng with you? Peter: I am fine,too. thank you. Oh, maybe you two can help me with ts. Dave: what can we do for you? Peter: I am planning a trip for my summer vacation. But I can't make up my mind as to wch I should go. It is really hard to decide. Tony: Hehehe...decision decision,ok, maybe three heads are better than one. what are the choices? Peter: Hangzhou, Suzhou, and yangzhou Dave: I went to Suzhou last year. I had very bad experiences there. The taxi drivers were rude. The hotel services were lousy and the food was... Tony: I had bad experiences there too.Peter: all right, forget Suzhou then. How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou? Dave: I have never been there. I can't make any comments on that. Let's check out the information from Xiehang(携成网) and it will tell us all necessary information. Tony: We can log on line and find all the information we need.Peter: great! So Peter and Dave and Tony check out the information on net. Dave: Peter, you can see that the airlines, hotels are not offering any discounts if you want to go to Hangzhou as it is the peak seson in summer. But if you go to Yangzhou, you can get big discounts on the hotels.Tony: Right. I tnk you should take that into consideration. Peter: you are right. I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people.I can always pick a better time to go to Hangzhou.right? Dave: absolutely. Peter: so I will book the ticket and the hotel right now. Thank you so much, Dave and Tony! Dave: that's what friends are for. hope you have a good time in Yangzhou. Tony: take care. Peter: 如果您喜欢我的回答,请表明出处。

写cuiture differencebackground: A and C are stuying in China.A: Hi,i am A,i am from Japan. where are you two from?B: I am B, i come from China, and you?C: i am C, i am from American. nice to meet you, A and B.A: nice to meet youB: nice to meet you,too.C: do you find the difference between studying in Japan and China, A?A: yes, i do, there are a lot of differences. i think it is mainly because of the culture differnces between Japan and China.B: that is true, even though China is near Japan. the culture difference is still big. what do you find, C?C: well, i think the difference is even bigger, for example, in America, we have so many seminars in the class. we can discuss in the seminors.but in China, the lecturers tend to prefer the individual work.B: indeed, one of my friends who is stuying in London told me the same thing.A: so i think it is important to understand the culture before you get used to the studying method in another country.B: that is rightC: i can not agree more.