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是啊。应该是回答老师的问题吧?如果是回答口语老师的问题,类似雅思考试,提出自己的简介,鉴于lz不太熟悉,可以考虑三段式啊首先,你认为好还是不好,选一个立场。比如,不好然后,提出具体论证,为啥不好,分三点1. 违背了小孩的自由意愿2.使小孩遭受情感挫折。3.有害家庭和睦。4.某种特殊情况下,是可以有force成分的,但是这里,我们换一个词,persuade,或者guide更好。在孩子幼小,判断力缺失的情况下,用此法。总结,总的来说是不好的。这样应该可以了吧。自己写的,自己更容易背出来,祝您成功

A: Hi, What happened to you? You look awful!B: Things are not going so well.A:Why? What's wrong?B: Why do parents always want to decide things for you?A: Because they are trying to help you to be better.B: No! They only care about their own reputation.A: Why are you saying that?B: K. Here is the scenario. I want to go to A University but my parents want me to go to B University. As B University is in our city and it is really famous, my parents want me to go there. But A University is more famous for the major that i am planning to take in the university. A: Well. You'd better listen to your parents because In China, the reputation of the university is more important and i will be easier for you to find a job if you graduate from a well known unicersity.B: But A university has a really nice environment! It has a swimming pool and........A: A good learning environment is what you need. Believe me, parents always know more than us. I have been in your situation.B: Really?A: Yes. I listened to my parents suggestion and i am appreciate for my parents choicesB:Well. Thank you for your advice.A: No problem. if you have more questions, i am available anytime~