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他们在分数上和考试内容上都有一定区别,主要区别就在于认可成绩的学校,你可以根据自己报考的国外学校来选择考雅思还是托福,可以先到银川朗阁雅思托福学习,考试更容易拿高分。 ...


很多同学忽视的一点就是,GRE考试和托福雅思是有本质的区别的,托福和雅思是英语水平考试,考察的是你对于英语这门语言的掌握能力,比如雅思满分(9.0)的标准是“ 成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解.”就是强调英语能力,而GRE则是以英语为载体,考察学生的逻辑思考、分析推理的学术能力,所以本质上和其他考试有很大的区别。经常出现英语好的同学考GRE不是很理想的情况,就是因为即使题目都看懂了,逻辑思考能力跟不上的话,也很难做出正确的选择。


   我们看见,托福口语的答案有了细节和理由,加上完整的结构和正确的语法就可以了。但是雅思口语的第一题都是简答题。因此简单回答重点即可。如: it of course is my bedroom, because I decorated it myself and it is a good friend to share happines and woes。

我们来看一个7。5分的口语表达:(最好2分钟)There are a lot of rooms I like to stay in when I am at home, but among all these, I think my bedroom is on the tip of my tongue when you ask me such question。
   Well, I am the Chief desginer of my room and I took care of almost all the decoration purchase。 I have brought all the pink staff home: the pink Bohimian bed, the pink wood book shelf as well as the pink lace curtains with a lot triangle patterns on them。
   I am such a huge fan of pink。 Another point I would like to mention here is the loyality my bedroom represents to me。 I always stay late due to a lot of assignment, but my room never has any complian。
   What’s more, it is always the last one to hit the hay。 My bedroom is also very inspiring that it keeps playing Marseillaise if I encounters setbacks。
   The last point of my friend is that it blames me when I make mistakes。 Like once, I had an argument with my mom because she refused to buy a new shirt for me。
   When I locked myself inside my room, I found the wall turns its shoulder to me that it looks white。 I felt loney and regreting that probably I should not be such gready guy。
   That’s probably why I feel like falling in love with my tiny but fantastic bedroom。


Speaking topics

1) Talk about a sports-person or sports team that you admire

You should say what sport they play

You should say where and when they play

You should explain why you admire them

2) Talk about a sport that you enjoy or have enjoyed playing

You should say where you play this sport

You should say when you play this sport

You should explain why you like it

3) Describe your ideal job

Say what the job is

Describe what duties it would involve。

Explain why you would like to do this job

4) Describe the best party you have been to

Say when and where this party took place

Describe how you celebrated

Explain why you enjoyed it

5) Talk about the season of the year that you like best。

You should say what the season is like。

You should say at what time of the year this season occurs。

You should explain why you like it。

6) Talk about a type of music that you particularly enjoy。

You should say when you listen to this music。

You should explain why you like it。

You should say which person or groups of people play this music。

7) Describe an historic building you have seen or would like to visit。

Say what this building looks like。

You should state where it is。

Explain why you liked seeing or would like to see it。

8) Talk about the type of accommodation you live in。

You should say hot long you have lived there。

You should explain why you live in this type of accommodation。

You should say why you like or do not like it。

9) Describe the weather that you really enjoy。

State what type of weather it is。

Say when it is most common to have this type of weather。

Explain why you like it。

10) Talk about a holiday that you have particularly enjoyed。

You should say where you went on holiday。

You should say when and with whom you went on the holiday。

You should explain why you enjoyed it。

11) Describe you favorite mode of transport。

Describe what type of transport you prefer。

State how often you travel in this way。

Say why you like it。

12) Describe a famous business person you admire。

Say who this person is and what job they do。

State how you found out about them。

Explain why you admire them。

13) Describe your favorite children’s story。

Describe the story。

You should state when you first heard or read this story。

Say why you like it。

14) Describe your favorite recipe。

State what type of food it is。

Explain how it is prepared。

Say why you prefer it to other foods。

15) Describe your favorite TV program。

What is it? Which channel?

When and where do you watch it?

What kind of program it is? What’s it talk about and explain why you like it?

16) Describe an important success in your life。

When /where it is happen? What is it about?

How do you make it?

Why it is important for you?

17) Describe a child you are familiar with。

What’s his or her name? What is he or she look like?

How old is he or she? What is his or her hobby?

Explain why you like him/her?

18) Describe your best friend。

How you knew each other and how you became friends?

How you spend time together?

Explain why he/she is your best friend。

19) Describe a toy you have。

What it is?

Who gave you?

Why you like it?

20) Describe your favorite park or garden。

Where is it? How often do you go to?