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汗死……LS 那是直接打在翻译里的吧?  I am sorry……

I want to be a volunteer of the 2010 Asian Games.The 2010 Asian Games is around the corner in GuangZhou.As a middle school student,I want to be a volunteer not only because I'm proud of it but also because I want to make a good impression on those athletes from different countries of Asia.If I was elected,I would keep order of the audiences,help and receive the foreign athletes and so on.In order to be a thoughtful volunteer,I must make some preparation.I'll catch time by the forelock to study English and another foreign language at least.Besides,I'll take part in the training for the volunteers to learn some hospitality and know the stadiums and gymnasiums well to help those who are not clear.I believe that I can be a qualified colunteer.



The Ant and the Dove An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. Shortly afterwards a bird catcher came and stood under the tree, and laid his lime-twigs for the Dove, which sat in the branches. The Ant, perceiving his design, stung him in the foot. In pain the bird catcher threw down the twigs, and the noise made the Dove take wing. One good turn deserves another 中文翻译 鸽子与蚂蚁一只蚂蚁来到河边喝水解渴,却被一阵激流冲走了,几乎快沉下去了。一直坐在树枝上的鸽子徘徊在水面上,叼来一片树叶并让它落在水里接近蚂蚁的地方。蚂蚁爬到了树叶上,安全的飘到了岸边。不久之后一个捕鸟人来到树下,向坐在树枝间的鸽子张开了罗网。蚂蚁明白了捕鸟人的意图,便在他的脚上狠狠地咬了一下。捕鸟人疼得扔掉了捕鸟的工具,工具落地的声音惊起了鸽子,他振翅飞走了。礼尚往来,善有善报



i am very happy that i find the webside of the English study room this noon . I am a self-taught student and i dream i can make a lot of friends that love english study .I have no chance to be a school student but i believe hard work can equal to the smart. There were only two creature that can get the top of the high point the eagle and the snail .The eagle may get the target very easily but the snail is much more difficult but if there a friend who can do him a favor maybe he can get the point more easy .

The name of my essay is the big day ,for i am on the way to make friend on this day .A friend in need is a friend indeed .