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About fearness

When we were young, we were afraid of something unknown and mysterious such as ghost and beast. When we are grown-up, We become afraid of something realistic, Such as the scoredness of boss, the bad grades。 As time goes by, the old usually fear the death


They say tough times don’t last but tough people do. Yes, as entrepreneurs we are often met with challenges and obstacles on the road to success. It is so easy to cower and try to retreat to our comfort zones and stick with security. But the truth is that nothing good comes easy. We always need some extra push if we want to distinguish ourselves from the ordinary.


How to Be a Successful Success comes with hard work.In order to succeed you must have the desire and the determination to succeed.Not many people will be successful in life but success can be achieved.Here are some tips to succeed.

First you must believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

Work Hard and be very discipline.Success do not come overnight,you must work hard for it and be discipline.

Balance your life.

It is important that we remember that even as we work hard we should take some time to have fun.

Take time to educate yourself and become qualified.Never assume that you learn as much and that your job is safe.


Thank you for having me here today.

谢谢你们今天邀请我来。This campaign has been very educational and it will

encourage more people to get educated, and to speak out on behalf of those who face discrimination.


For too long, myths and misinformation have led to

misunderstandings around HIV/AIDS.


In fact, people and children living with HIV are no

different from any other person coping with another illness.

实际上,得了非典的大人和孩子跟其它得了其它病的人没什么不同。People need to protect themselves and treat others in the right way.

人们需要保护他们自己,也以正确的方式对待别人。As a good chance to get educated, I want to help,

through this campaign, to remove all the unfounded

fears people might have around this illness.

作为一个很好的受教育的机会,我想通过这个活动去帮助人 们消除可能有的违背发觉的对这个病的恐惧。The only thing we need to fear is the lack of proper

knowledge and information.
















  奉献与追求   当金色的阳光洒满大地,当东方的朝霞与红旗争辉,崭新的一天开始了。   如同恶梦渐渐远去,九八年的洪水已成为历史,可人们却不会忘记那一个个已把生命永远凝固在大堤上的绿色军魂,其中就有他——抗洪英雄,新时期的好战士——李向群。   他,一个只有8天党龄的党员。他,一个只有20个月军龄的士兵,他,一个只有20 岁韶华的特区青年。一切都有那么短暂,短暂地让人惋惜;一切又那么绵长,绵长地足以百世留芳。   李向群的可贵在于,他把远大的理想融入了脚踏实地,从在入伍半月后的考核中名列新兵连倒数第二,到一年后荣登团里的标兵榜。他在艰苦的磨砺中一步步超越了自己,参军不到两年,他记下了5万多字的读书笔记,抗洪前夕,西南军地两用人才培训中心给他寄来了法律单科结业证书和优秀学员证书……军营20个月,他两次被评为全团训练尖子,优秀士兵,一次荣立三等功,直至永生在大堤上的他被追授抗洪勇士和追记一等功。他的人生虽短暂,可每一步都那么踏实……   李向群的可贵,在于他把自身的价值融入他人的幸福,是他给自己规定每月购买生活品不超过10元,是他把所得津贴830元和从家里带的钱全都捐给了团难的战友和群众,是他,是炽热的爱和真诚的心帮助误入歧途的同学周道雄戒掉了毒瘾,导正了人生坐标,是他,用绿色的脊背为湖南小叶口村的孩子们充当了特殊的渡船军营内外,他留下的动人事迹,像汩汩的河水,淌不尽,流不完……   英雄都是相似的,李向群的特殊在于:他是改革开放的同龄人;他来自特区,家产百万;他曾经经商,且小有所成,但他毅然选择了一条艰苦的人生之路——当兵。有人追求实惠,他追求奉献,有人贪图安逸,他选择艰苦,有人满足于“过得去”,他追求:高、精、尖“从经济特区——绿色军营——抗洪前线,从特区青年——优秀士兵——抗洪英雄三座大熔炉,三次大飞跃,李向群以其短暂而辉煌的一生,对于人生价值作出了一个响亮的回答——不断地奉献和追求。   是的,奉献和追求,无私的太阳奉献给大地光和热,高傲的雄鹰追求着白云和蓝天,真正的人生就应在不断的奉献和追求中得到延续和升华!当我们对北约暴行愤怒不已时,不要忘了,正因为我们实力不足与之抗衡,所以敌人才敢公然挑衅。飞速发展的祖国等待着我们去奉献,浩瀚无边的科学知识等待着我们去追求。 国旗下的热血儿女们,把生命融入无限的奉献和追求中吧,奉献青春年华,追求科学真理,奉献满腔热血,追求国富民强!   淄博实验中学 九七级六班 朱红果 一九九九年五月二十四日


There are always misfortunes in our life. Last week on my way home I saw a cat on the road. It was deserted and homeless. Misfortune exits not only for humans but also for animals.


Maybe the stars mean's the dream,I love the stars in the blue sky,It's always bright and pretty,and always take me to a beautiful dream.

I really like to look at the little stars,when I look at them,I feel very relax and happy.The stars are quiet and just like full of beautiful magic, It's amazy.

Just like wonders,the stars in the deapiest blue sky is so pretty,"one , two, three, four, five, six, seven……"there has so many so many stars in the sky,I really can't count it.

When I was so lonely,I will look at the sky,and told the little stars my little secrets,told the little stars my dream,and told them so many so many interesting things,then I will feel less lonely.

十、关于living well的演讲稿英语?

Physical well and mental satisfaction is the root or base for the everyday doings.In my opinion the recognition from the society for one person as an individual is the most potential.

When you or your wife give birth to a baby,in such a moment you experience the happy-event,you'd like to have all the quantities around know that you have an offspring.People greet you, and you feel in heaven.That' it.

Everybody longs on better living,the first thing you are asked to do is deriving the concerns.The more your relatives and colleages or classmates care about you,the more you will feel like being filled with opportunities,even if you feel more on people laughing at you.

It is not unfortunate when you saw their glancing at you.They do such things because you become famous in an area but they do not know why.Your duty is explaining what you have done,whatever but rather the ones in which you presented your good manners.

You will receive sympathy,you will make friends.

Then one couldn't live on without believes,or careers.If you do have one,no problem.Else you'd better find one.What interest you most?Looking for a perfict one is a waste of time.No absolute subject.However,you can always find a better,don't hesitate to have a try though there is some career you must devote to it besides no one restrict your hobbies as long that they do no harm to the society.

Precisely,living well is a concept with more contents,I merely gave my attitudes.