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英语真是头痛的问题。不 应该是抓狂的事..所以后来我就找英语学习中心帮我了…他们ABC天卞口语课后有.好.认真跟进的课程顾问 每天安排外籍老师1对1受课 一开始我还挺害羞的不太好意思开口 现在就很自然跟他互动啰;旅游英语口语哪里学好?前段时间跟你现在一样,我也是单位组织出国旅游,但是就是因为英语问题,最后险些不去了,幸亏在网上看到了那个叫的,他说是不管基础有多差只要跟着老师学就肯定学的会,介也比一 般的学习讥构便宜了好多,于是就赶紧买来,希望在出国前能学会,每天就是短短的10分钟,到最后 学完,就已经能简单的交流了,这就够我出国用了,趁现在还有段时间赶紧学习吧,对你出国 绝对有用。




A: I plan to visit Switzerland this year, because I hear it will be very cold there.

B: you know it will be very cold, so that's why you want to go? that's strange. I won't go to a place just because it's cold.

A: No, what I meant is that I want to go to Switzerland to ski. If it is colder, that means more snow, and more fun when skiing, right?

B: Oh, then I guess I understand what you mean. It sounds fun. Do you mind if I join you?

A: Of course not, we've travelled together many times already, haven't we? for now, only my wife, me and you are going. do you want to invite somebody else?

B: Oh, sure. How about Peter? I hear he is interested in going skiing too, but is not sure where he wants to go.

A: It would be nice to have Peter join us. i think he has a girlfriend. I will ask him if his girlfriend wants to come too.

B: it's settled then. have you looked up any information relating to switzerland?

A: yes, it's all stored in my laptop computer. I found a package tour that seems quite good, and it's cheap too!

B: i'm very pleased to hear that. please let me take a look at it soon.

A: of course.