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[为英语高手准备]雅思作文TASK2 高分求修改




1.不要一直重复的使用 sb's这种形式,需要代词或者别的句式做一点替换。具体在文中:students’ timetable ;students’ opportunities ;policy’s disadvantages ;

原句:for it diminish students’ extracurricular time which used to be spent on part-time jobs.
改正:for it diminishes students’ extracurricular time which might be used on part-time jobs.

原句:Lack of experience, however, will hinder their future career, because most employers prefer experienced employees.
改正:Lacking of experience, however, will hinder their future careers, because most employers prefer experienced employees.

原:Extracurricular activities, such as part-time job and social activities will broaden students’ knowledge and cultivate their team spirit.
改:Extracurricular activities, such as part-time jobs and social activities will broaden students’ knowledge and cultivate their team spirit.

原:This argument, however, is focusing on just a small minority of cases.
改:This argument, however, is only focusing on a minority of cases.

原:So compared with valuable experience of work, too much academic knowledge squander most students’ intelligence, and only make brilliant students tired.
改:So compared with valuable experience of work, too much academic knowledge not only squanders most students’ intelligence, but also makes brilliant students tired.

原:Established and funded by its people, government should assume the responsibility for students, who really determine the future of this society, and take measures to combat this “pressure and encouragement” policy.