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当“a set of +名词复数”做主语时,谓语动词是单数还是复数? 如果用代词指代主语时,谓语动


“a set of + 复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词该用单数还是复数。当“a set of + 复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数都有可能,我们手头收录了16 个例句,下面是其中的四个例子:(1) ...if one set of figures is sharply out of line with a trend 如果一组数据与总的趋势有很大的出入……(摘自《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》第5版)(2) A set of guidance notes is provided to assist applicants in completing the form. 有一系列注意事项,指导申请人填写表格。(摘自《朗文当代英语词典》第4版)(3) A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736. 这幢房子1736年的物品清单上列有一套雕花镀金椅子,共24把。(摘自《剑桥高级英语词典》第2版)(4) An important set of ideas have been advanced by the biologist Rupert Sheldrake. 生物学家鲁珀特•谢尔德雷克已提出了一整套重要的观点。(摘自《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》第5版)

We think of 'set' as a single thing, even though it might be made up of several things, so we use the singular (单数). a set of +名词复数做主语时,谓语动词是单数ps:'A set of' differs from 'a lot of' in that a set consists of two or more items of similar design and 'a lot of' means 'many' - plural. a lot of: means many, 谓语动词是复数