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你好 我看到你帮别人解答关于雅思考试的问题 我想请问一下 你有考过雅思吗能推荐几本雅思书或者词汇书给我


然后 相对应的
写作个人推介 新东方出的【9分写作】还有慎小巍的【10天突破雅思写作】
听力我没用过辅导书 但是大家都说【黑眼睛】好 你自己研究
口语书也没用过不过好像 【口语多米洛】这书也不错吧,个人推介就这些。
最后推荐到淘宝买D版的。。。因为这些书在考完雅思并得到满意分数后就基本没太大用处,所以不适合全买正版,如果全套正版买下来差不多1000大洋,所以推介淘宝D版,大概130大洋全套 就我提到过的书 质量的话 用肯定没问题的 不差。
最后祝你好运 我应该有分了吧? hehe


The best way to provide proof of language skills is to take a language proficiency test given by an organization approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). If you do so, you will be able to see exactly how many points you will receive for the language factor according to your test results.
You Must:
Make arrangements for testing by an approved organization. You will have to pay the costs.
Include the results of your test with your immigration application.
What Happens Next:
You can use the equivalency charts to see exactly how many points you will earn based on your test results.
The test results will be used by CIC as conclusive proof of your language skills.
You can use language test results for one year from the time you took the test.
Approved Language Tests
You can arrange to take a language test from any of the following approved organizations:
English Testing Organizations
IELTS: International English Language Testing System
The University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate, Education Australia and the British Council administer this test.
Note: IELTS has two options for the reading and writing tests. There is a “General Training” and an “Academic” option. You must take the “General Training” option. [侧重号为我们所加。