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英文名 Zick Zack Zeon 选哪个好? (100分再追加)


就叫Ziyang,名字一改好像所有以前资料档案的名字都要改,不麻烦么?还有一点,名字只是代号而已,你把名字改成Bill Gates也没用,关键你自己能成为什么,等你成功了出名了,说不定人家把自己小孩名字起成你的名字!


香的英语翻译 香用英语怎么说

香的英文:fragrantincensesavoryappetizingsweetscentedpopular参考例句:the English [sweet] violet香堇菜,香紫罗兰Sour and peppery, fragrant and delicious又酸又辣,又香又美A stick of incense一柱香a wine with a grapey taste.有葡萄香的酒Of,relating to,or derived from vanilla or vanillin.香子兰的,香草的香子兰的,与香子兰有关的,或从香子兰得来的For many years the leading fixatives were the animal products ambergris, civet, musk and castoreum多年来,用的较多的固定剂是动物制品龙涎香、香猫香、麝香、以及河狸香。The exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and the RMB is very stable.香港元与人民币之间的汇率一直比较稳定。Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume.美而无德犹如花之无香。Milk with orange juice has a taste that gladdens people's heart and refreshes their mind.橙汁牛奶,果汁奶香,沁人心脾!I like the luscious taste of ripe peaches.我喜欢熟桃的香甜味。

Fragrant adj 芳香的,香的; 愉快的; 喷香; 芳菲incense n.香 (树脂、香料等燃烧可得香气的物质) v.熏香