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大学英语口语考试对白可参考以下内容:A: What do you think about 50 years latter the world will be?B: It is really hard to tell. NO one can tell the future.A: Come on! Use a little bit imagination!B: I think after a lot of new technology invented We will have a more convenient life. and perhaps human beings can live a prolong life .A: Yes but look around the pollution is everywhere. I think in the next 50 years there will be wars even nuclear war。We will ruin this planet by our own hand.B: That is so bad. New technologies always company with pollution. It is really terrified me. I made my mind that i won't use plastic bags any more!A: Good for you. If you can keep doing it .I will follow!B: You can count on me!想要了解更多关于英语口语的相关信息,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语15年专注英语教育,根据学员需求提供课程,产线囊括:成人英语、零基础英语、英语口语、雅思托福、职场商务英语等;同时更有国际化内容(国际化师资+国际化教材+运用互联网的专业课堂)和专业教师=国际认证+定期专业评估+专业培训体系+“第二语言教学之父”倾囊指导,助力学员高效学习。【免费领取英语试听课】

A: What do you think about 50 years latter the world will be?B: It is really hard to tell. NO one can tell the future.A: Come on! Use a little bit imagination!B: I think after a lot of new technology invented We will have a more convenient life. and perhaps human beings can live a prolong life .A: Yes but look around the pollution is everywhere. I think in the next 50 years there will be wars even nuclear war。We will ruin this planet by our own hand.B: That is so bad. New technologies always company with pollution. It is really terrified me. I made my mind that i won't use plastic bags any more!A: Good for you. If you can keep doing it .I will follow!B: You can count on me!