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英语对话稿,这里面也有的: 四人对话:)~ 甲;I got a ticket yesterday. 我得到一张处罚单。 乙:You ran a red light. 你闯红灯了。 丙:He nearly ran into the bus. 你差点撞上那辆公共汽车。 丁:Don't take it to heart. You'll never happen again. 别往心里去,下次不会再出现这样的事情了。 乙:Take it easy. There must be some ways to compensate for it. 轻松一点,一定会有补偿的办法的。 丙:Don't be so upset. Everything will be OK. 别这么发愁了,一切都会好起来的。 丁:It's really hard for you. 真难为你了! A:Thank you!It won't happen again. 谢谢你们,不会再发生了。

―、场景交警:Don't yart here. 甲:Oh,sorry.二、场景甲:I got a tiket yesterday.乙 :Oh?what time do you get tucket?甲:At seven o'llak in the morning.戊:You ran a red light.丁:You nearly ran in to the bus.丙:Don'tbe so upset Everythin will be ok.丁:What time do you get up.甲:At five o'clock in the morning.戊:It's really hard for you.乙:Take it easy .there must be some ways to lompensnte for it.甲:Thank you! It won't happen a gain.