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Doctor=D Patient=P
D:Oh,what's wrong with you?You look so bad.
P:I have a headache.
D:When did it start?
P:Yesterday.I did'nt sleep all night. I dreamed strange things.
D:I think you had better rest a day.When you go to bed, try to listen to some light music.Maybe these sleeping pills are helpful for you.If you don't feel better tomorrow,you can come here,I will go over you on all sides.

A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。
B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好,我想找Hunter先生。
A: May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位?
B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM Computer Company. 我是IBM电脑公司的Herbert Wood.
A: Thank you, Mr. Wood. One moment, please… (into PBX) Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wood of IBM Computer Company is on the line. 谢谢,Wood先生,请稍等。(打内线电话)Hunter先生,IBM电脑公司的Wood先生找您。
C: Can you find out what he wants? 你可以问他有什么事吗?
A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (to caller) I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Wood. Mr. Hunter is rather busy right now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about.
B: Yes, I want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. I don’t know whether he is interested in that or not? 是的,我想买一些计算机软件,另外再谈一谈开发一些其它的软件。我不知道他是否有兴趣。
A: I see. Thank you very much, Mr. Wood. Would you wait a moment, please? (to PBX) Mr Hunter, Mr. Wood wants to buy some computer software.
C: I see. Put him on line two. 好的,请转到2号线。
A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (To caller) Mr. Wood, I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll put you through to Mr. Hunter.
A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you? 下午好,销售部,我能帮你什么忙吗?
B: Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please? 可以和Bush先生说话吗?
A: I’ll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please? 我要看一看他是否在。请问我得告诉他谁打来的?
B: John Smith.
A: Hold the line, please. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment, I’m afraid. Can I help you?
B: Well, I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week. 好的,我想跟他讨论一下我们上星期签订的合同。
A: I don’t think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when he is free? 我想会议不会开得太久,我让他有空给你打电话,好吗?
B: Yes, that would be easiest. 是的,那样最好了。
A: Could I have your name again, please? 请再一次告诉我你的姓名,好吗?
B: Yes. It’s John Smith.好的,我叫John Smith。

A: It looks like it’’s going to be sunny.
B: Yes, it’’s much better than yesterday.

A: They say we’’re going to get some rain later.

B: Oh, let’’s just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm.

第二部分 (Part 2)
A: I think it’’s going to be a nice day.

B: It’’s certainly a big improvement over yesterday.

A: But it’’s supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over.

第三部分(Part 3)
A: It seems to be clearing up.

B: It’’s such a nice change.

A: I really don’’t think this weather will last.

B: Let’’s just hope it doesn’’t get cold again.

第四部分(PART 4)
A: Beautiful day, isn’’t it?

B: Yes, it’’s not like what the radio said at all.

A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.

B: As long as it doesn’’t snow!

A: You are going to be really jealous when you find out where I’m headed for the holidays!
B: Don’t tell me! I’m sure it’s someplace warm and sunny with great beaches!
A: You got it! I’m going to spend two fabulous weeks in Hawaii!
B: You are so lucky! Send me a postcard!
