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同学你好,针对你这个问题,在这里为你分享两种高分的雅思口语回答方法: 一、谚语答题法。这种答题法的技巧在于把生动的谚语插进自己的答话中,既大大充实了答话的内容,又能show出你对英美文化的掌握能力,可谓一石二鸟。 Television Examiner: How does the news influence people? 新闻如何影响人们? Candidate: News influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One sided news or journalism isn\'t news but propaganda in my opinion. It\'s like that good old saying: Some people would rather believe the lies of Satan than the truth of God. 新闻只是通过报道某一些事情或者报道部分事情来影响人们。在我看来:片面之词的新闻或报道不是新闻而是宣传或导向。就像那句谚语说的:人们宁愿相信撒旦的谎言,也不去相信上帝的真理。 二、拟人答题法。这种回答题方法其实就是把各种实物人格化,赋予这些实物以新的生命。比如:谈到天气问题的时候,我们大可以把北京的沙尘暴变成魔鬼,把鲜花变成美化城市的天使,如此一来,答案自然不会显得枯燥无味。 Telephone Examiner: Do you think cell phones are important for modern people? 你认为手机对现代的人们重要么? Candidate: Speaking of my little girlfriend——Nokia N91, I will have to say: she\'s like an angel. I had never seen anyone so beautiful before in my life. I was simply hooked on her the first time I saw her. I would always take her along with me wherever I go. My cell phone comes with a digital camera and has turned the vast world into a tiny little village. It\'s no exaggeration to say: mobile phones make the world go around! 说到我的女友:诺基亚N91.我必须说,她就像我的天使。在我生命中从没有遇到过任何人如此美丽,我第一次看到她就被她吸引住了。我走到哪都带着她,我的手机有摄像头,可以把偌大的世界变成很小的村庄。毫不夸张地说:手机让世界转动起来了。