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有座 flat

住个 cat

专吃 bat

它很 fat

还戴 hat

养个 rat

天天 pat

和它 chat

真是 that

不拘 format


从前有个 bay

附近住个 gay

晚间睡在 hay

白天海边 lay

总是不停 say

生活没有 ray

但愿有一 day

修建一条 way

宁愿自己 pay


apparel [ ə'pærəl ] . .
n. 衣服,装具
v. 使...穿衣,装饰
[ 过去式appareled/apparelled 过去分词appareled/apparelled 现在分词appareling/apparelling 第三人称单数apparels/apparels ]

age [ eidʒ ] . .
n. 年龄
v. (使)变老
vi. 变老
[ 过去式aged 过去分词aged 现在分词aging 名词ager ]
association [ ə,səusi'eiʃən ] . .
n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团
[ 形容词associational ]

attention [ ə'tenʃən ] . .
n. 注意,(口令)立正!
[ 形容词atten-tional ]
service [ 'sə:vis ] . .
n. 服务,公务部门,服役
vt. 维护,保养
[ 过去式serviced 过去分词serviced 现在分词servicing ]
smile [ smail ] . .
n. 微笑,喜色
v. 微笑,喜色
[ 过去式smiled 过去分词smiled 现在分词smiling 名词smiler 形容词smiley 副词smilingly ]
speaker [ 'spi:kə ] . .
n. 说话者,发言者,说某种语言者,扬声器
[ 名词speakership ]
subject [ 'sʌbdʒikt ] . .
n. 科目,主题
a. 服从的,易患的
[ 名词subjection ]
stop [ stɔp ] . .
n. 停止,车站,滞留
v. 停止,停止,制止
[ 过去式stopped 过去分词stopped 现在分词stopping 形容词stoppable ]
vacant [ 'veikənt ] . .
a. 空的
[ 名词vacantness
valuable [ 'væljuəbl ] . .
a. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵重物品
[ 名词valuableness 副词valuably ]
view [ vju: ] . .
n. 视野,风景,见解
v. 看,考虑
[ 形容词viewable
virus [ 'vaiərəs ] . .
n. 病毒
[ 复数viruses
vivify . .
[ 过去式vivified 过去分词vivified 第三人称单数vivifies 名词vivification ]
generate [ 'dʒenə,reit ] . .
v. 产生,发生
[计算机] 产生
[ 过去式generated 过去分词generated 现在分词generating ]
gentle [ 'dʒentl ] . .
a. 温和的,文雅的
[ 过去式gentled 过去分词gentled 现在分词gentling 形容词比较级gentler 形容词最高级gentlest 名词gentleness 副词gently ]
gothic [ 'gɔθik ] . .
a. 哥特式的
[ 副词Gothically
gum [ gʌm ] . .
n. 树胶,橡皮,橡皮糖
v. 涂以树胶,使...有粘性
[ 过去式gummed 过去分词gummed 现在分词gumming ]

gum [ gʌm ] . .
1. a preparation (usually made of sweetened chicle) for chewing
同义词: chewing gum
2. the tissue (covered by mucous membrane) of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth
同义词: gingiva
3. any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants

4. cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive
同义词: glue | mucilage
5. wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum
同义词: gumwood
6. any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum
同义词: gum tree

1. cover, fill, fix or smear with or as if with gum
if you gum the tape it is stronger

2. grind with the gums
同义词: mumble
3. become sticky

4. exude or form gum
these trees gum in the Spring
grace [ greis ] . .
n. 优雅,雅致,魅力,恩惠,慈悲
[ 过去式graced 过去分词graced 现在分词gracing ]
grade [ greid ] . .
n. 年级
v. (学校的)年级,成绩,分数,等级,级别
vt. 分级,记成绩
[ 过去式graded 过去分词graded 现在分词grading ]
fantastic [ fæn'tæstik ] . .
a. 极好的,难以相信的,奇异的,幻想的
[ 名词fantasticality 副词fantastically 异体字fantastical ]
ford [ fɔ:d ] . .
n. 浅滩
v. 涉过,涉水
[ 形容词fordable
fragile [ 'frædʒail ] . .
a. 易碎的,脆的
[ 名词fragility ]
file [ fail ] . .
n. 档案,公文箱,锉刀
v. 列队行进,归档,申请
[计算机] 文件
[ 过去式filed 过去分词filed 现在分词filing ]
forum [ 'fɔ:rəm ] . .
n. 论坛,讨论会
yawn [ jɔ:n ] . .
n. 呵欠
v. 打呵欠
[ 名词yawner
yellow [ 'jeləu ] . .
a. 黄色的
n. 黄色
[ 名词yellowness ]
yawn [ jɔ:n ] . .
n. 呵欠
v. 打呵欠
[ 名词yawner ]
warehouse [ 'wɛəhaus ] . .
n. 仓库
v. 存入仓库
[ 过去式warehoused 过去分词warehoused 现在分词warehousing 名词warehouser ]
wealth [ welθ ] . .
n. 财产,财富,大量,丰富
wince [ wins ] . .
n. 畏缩,退避
v. 畏缩,退缩,退避
weight [ weit ] . .
n. 重量,体重,重担
weight [ weit ] . .
n. 重量,体重,重担
hearty [ 'hɑ:ti ] . .
a. 诚恳的,热烈的,旺盛的
[ 形容词比较级heartier 形容词最高级heartiest 复数hearties 名词heartiness ]
hiccup [ 'hikʌp ] . .
n. 打嗝
[ 过去式hiccupped/hiccoughed 过去分词hiccupped/hiccoughed 现在分词hiccupping/hiccoughing 第三人称单数hiccups/hiccoughs ]

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