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英语情景对话 关于 提高英语口语的对话


你好,个人觉得口语应该是很自然很随意的一种表达。在我们缺乏好的语言环境的情况下,如果不是很急应试,看一些美国稍早一些的情景剧,比如《人人都爱雷蒙德》,成熟一些的真人秀节目,比如《美国偶像》,坚持并且模仿,一定有效果的。Wish u good luck!


Sam:  Well, this's what people called  the Heaven. That means my dying,  My dear Molly cannot see me any more.  I can't touch her in person.Who can take care of my dearMolly.Oh!Molly....

Jack: Don't be so sad. You should be happy . The one you love is living a happy life. That's your life ,too.

Sam: Yeah, indeed. . I just worry about her .I don't want to make her live a heartbroken life because of my death . And who are you?

Jack: I 've lost my love,I arrive here for a long time. You can call me Jack. I also miss my honey. BUt I believe she can gain her happiness. But I have no rgret.

Sam Glad to see you. I'm Sam.  How long have you been here?

Jack: A long time ! I can't remember claerly. So I kow your sorrow.

Sam: What I want to do is to say I love you to my Molly a thousand times. She said I need to hear it I'm mean before. And I want to tell her something. my best friend betrayed me.Jack: So what you want to do?  I can help you.

Sam: Really?

Jack: My dear Rose has gained her happiness.  I'm bored of the life here. To be an angel. Sam ,you've a chance to complete your wish.

Sam: What about you?

Jack: Favor you the power. Then I can be with my dear Rose for good. Sam, go! To complete your wish.

Sam: Thanks,Jack. I'll seize the chance. That's the love, I've know it.
